Common-Link AG has now been active in the field of increasing efficiency in the use of regenerative energies for almost 20 years. We have extensive experience in measuring, analyzing and optimizing the use of electrical energy. The focus in the service sector is on the digitalization of business processes. Among other things, we are involved with the distributed collection, processing and analysis of large amounts of data as well as the development of meaningful reports and automated workflows. Regular cooperation with universities and research institutions provide access to the latest findings from scientific research through continuous knowledge and technology transfer.
Innovation examples:
Digitization of business processes, from distributed data acquisition to meaningful reporting for all stakeholders involved, is implemented on a customer-specific basis using patented communication logic based on the latest software architecture and has been a development focus of Common-Link AG for 20 years. We also provide measurement, testing and control technology for various industrial and biological processes. Common-Link AG uses its expertise in international projects and cooperation.
Highly accurate, fully automated systems for measuring and controlling the smallest quantities of gas are the result of many years of applied research and development. They have open interfaces for integration into a wide range of processes and are therefore recommended for a wide range of applications in research and industry.
Common-Link's unique DC high-power measuring technology with maintenance-free, detachable connecting elements for low-resistance power transmission from the printed circuit board to the copper busbar, has been able to reliably prove itself especially when used under difficult environmental conditions in tropical climates.
Maintenance, service and reuse concepts already start in the development phase of products. In this sense, Common-Link AG always knows how to develop modular and easy-to-maintain products, which are also characterized by their integrated remote maintenance interfaces. Numerous patents prove the continuous investment in innovations.
Common-Link AG
Subproject manager:
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Schläfer
Koellestraße 30b
76189 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (0) 721/81968300